Scotia Inspection Consultants Pty Ltd is fully devoted to safeguard its key business principles “Standard of Serviceability, Inspection Integrity and Commitment to Clients” (SIC) are embraced throughout the Scotia Inspection Consultants Pty Ltd organization, thus ensuring that the company will meet and exceed our client’s needs and expectations.

Scotia Inspection Consultants Pty Ltd primary goal is to achieve the highest standards of quality in all business’s practices and operations. Quality performance is one of our cornerstones and is considered a personal responsibility of all employees.

Scotia Inspection Consultants Pty Ltd is committed to comply with ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC17020 and ISO 9001 international standards and to continually improve the effectiveness of the management system.

Scotia Inspection Consultants Pty Ltd is fully committed to:

  • Fulfill or exceed Customer needs and expectations by delivering services in a consistent and timely manner;
  • Initiate, promote and maintain the commitment for continual improvement and communicate our goals and objectives within the organization and our customers;
  • Realistically provide the best possible inspections with the current strength of existing equipment and personnel. Equip a system of policies which are periodically reviewed to ensure the ability of all groups to perform their work effectively;
  • Secure the safety of our personnel and ensures that the safe keeping of equipment and appropriate technology is made available to our staff to enable them to carry out their functions in a professional manner;
  • Take accountability that all the training and tools are provided for all work to proceed in a safe and efficient approach to promote a safe working environment.


Chris Mahoney
Managing Director